elevating your market
Asset Mapping for Farmers Markets
This resource from Penn State Extension can help market managers grow and develop their markets using the assets they already have access to but may be undervaluing. 2024.
Lessons Learned in Growing a Farmers Market
The Lewes, DE, Farmers Market put together this guide which traces their success in growing their already popular market by turning it into a “living lab.” Some key actions that increased their growth included ensuring that SNAP materials were bilingual, getting a third-party endorsement, and making sure that customers had the opportunity to meet with and interact with farmers and vendors. 2018.
From Better Block, Wikiblock is an online open-source design library for low-cost elements, like benches, planters, and kiosks, that can make your market more vibrant and welcoming. 2023.
This census report highlights ways that markets are thriving and also lists areas for improvement. 2022.
Racial Equity at Farmers Markets: A Case Study
This report from RAFI details their experience working with the Durham Farmers Market to increase vendor diversity. It also serves as a good example for programs that other managers can implement at their own markets. 2024.