membership details

Membership Options

  • Market Membership (voting)

    Includes the market manager or other representative of a Farmers Market located in North Carolina

    A Farmers Market shall be defined as two or more vendors meeting regularly in a fixed spot in North Carolina who sell products they grew, raised, or produced within the area specifically defined by their market as “local”; and may include mobile markets, popup markets, and market umbrella organizations

  • Market Supporting Membership (non-voting)

    Includes representatives of non-profit organizations, government institutions or educational institutions with a mission related to local food system development as well as at-large individuals or NC farmers market vendors who wish to support the NCFMN mission


We have changed our membership fees for 2025 to help keep up with our growth and to reflect existing and additional member benefits. We offer sliding-scale fees based on the particular type of membership that best applies to you.

Market Membership (Voting):

$25 - BIPOC led or Culturally Specific Market

$50 - Market with 20 or less vendors per week

$75 - Market with 21-50 vendors per week

$100 - Market with 51+ vendors per week

Market Supporting Membership (Non-voting):

$125 - Organization Representative

$75 - At-large Individual

$50 - NC Farmers Market Vendor

Membership Application

Use the Google Form below to apply for or renew your NCFMN membership.

Then, scroll down on this webpage to purchase your membership.

Purchase your membership