NCFMN Tools & Tangibles: Emergency Policies & Procedures for Farmers Markets
NCFMN offers a quick guide to developing an Emergency Policy for your market. Included are links to templates and example plans.
Hurricane Helene Recovery Resources
NCFMN compiled listing of resources. Useful for other natural disaster recovery efforts.
Sample Emergency Response Guide
This guide from BC Farmers’ Markets provides an outline of the important information that market managers should know prior to an emergency. Because this guide was made in Canada, the specific resources and guidelines are not applicable to NC markets, but the general outline of the guide is helpful for managers looking to create their own. 2024.
Sample Emergency Procedures for Farmers Markets
From the Michigan Farmers Market Association, this guide can help market managers prepare for emergency situations like fire, severe weather, and a power outage. 2020.
Flood Inundation Mapping & Alert Network
This website from the NC Department of Public Safety lets market managers track flood risks and sign up for alerts when flooding is imminent. 2024.
Disaster SNAP Benefits Fact Sheet
From the USDA, this fact sheet briefly outlines Disaster SNAP benefits and explains more about the program. 2013.
This brief guide from RAFI-USA provides basic information about documenting disaster losses. 2017.
Disaster Unemployment Assistance
This FEMA fact sheet provides information about federal unemployment assistance after a Presidential disaster. 2017.
Common Stages of Disaster Recovery
This chart displays the common stages of disaster recovery, preparing managers for what to expect in the aftermath of a disaster. 2017.
Disaster Planning for Nonprofits
This excellent resource walks managers through the creation of an in-depth disaster plan, with resources to ensure the safety and security of people, documents, and structures as much as possible. 2021.
Farmers Markets as Disaster Resilience
This post from the Farmers Market Coalition blog details how markets can provide an important resource for community-building and resilience in the wake of local disasters. 2020.