Code of Federal Regulations 21.1.B - Food for Human Consumption
The Code of Federal Regulations lays out production, handling, and other food safety requirements. This website is constantly updated as revisions are made to the Code, ensuring that listed policies and regulations are always accurate. 2024.
Extension Safe Plates Training Program
From Extension, this webpage has important information about food safety at markets, including sampling and creating handwashing stations. 2023.
A Comprehensive Guide to Retailing at North Carolina’s Farmers Markets
This factsheet from NC State Extension contains the most updated food safety guidance and product labeling and regulation requirements. 2024.
Starting a Home-Based Food Business
The NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (NCDA&CS) regulates home processing of value-added goods, and this website lays out the steps and requirements that home processing vendors must follow. No date.
NCSU Food Safety Education & Training
This website provides a variety of self-paced, non-credit courses on important food safety topics. Prices for each course range from $30 - $400, but NCSU offers a group discount when 5 or more people enroll together. 2024.
North Carolina Food Code Manual
On page 191 of this document, in the section titled “Prohibiting Animals,” NCDHHS and the FDA note where and in what capacity pets (not service animals) are allowed around food. 2021.