NCFMN Montly Call Topics: Summer 2024

Members meet on the first Thursday of each month @ 9:30-10:30am

June 6, 2024 Riding the Crazy Train: Surviving the Chaos of Busy Season

June 27, 2024 Planning for National Farmers Market Week (*Note: This was Rescheduled from July 4 due to holiday)

August 1, 2024 Volunteer recruitment, management and retainment

September 5, 2024 Emergency Policies & Procedures For Farmers MarketS

*We base the call topics upon frequently asked questions and requests. 

Make your voice heard and share any ideas you have with NCFMN Program Coordinator, Nora Rodli and/or ask to join the Education and Programming Committee!


June 2024 Network News


We are Hiring!