What Rules Can A Market Make Regarding Speech?
This brief resource from the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems provides guidelines for how market managers can and cannot regulate free speech. 2020.
PODCAST: Free Speech at the Farmers Market
In this episode of the Tent Talk podcast, the hosts interview the Associate Director of the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems to discuss free speech at farmers markets. 2020.
USDA Farmers Market 2019 Rules, Procedures, and Operating Guidelines
This document from the USDA Farmers Market can be used as an example for market managers to create rules and regulations for their own markets. 2019.
General Non-Discrimination Policy Tips
This webpage from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission provides guidance on how market managers can create a strong non-discrimination policy. No date.
The Center for Agriculture and Food Systems recommends that farmers market managers compile a binder or folder of historical and current information for easy reference. The binder should include governance and other important documents, market rules and policies, and daily-use documents with information like passwords, marketing materials, and the like. 2018.